Posted On: August 17th, 2011

    Categories : Career Legacy Belts, Wrestlers, Fighters and Fans

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    • Artist : Kevin Chappell
    • Leather Work : Eddie Haupt


    Jeff Hardy’s Legacy Enigmatic Championship Belt

    Presenting the new Jeff Hardy Legacy Enigmatic championship! This belt represents a first in the belt making world. It is designed so that when Jeff comes onto a darkened stage and his music hits, the eyes and mouth will light up and flash to the music. We played upon his moniker as the “anti-christ of wrestling” and created an new logo for him. We put his silhouette of the swanton bomb into a pentagram. We also designed a face mask complete with horns. The multi-layer belt is made on white leather and features a few Swarovski crystals.
    Jeff is allowing us to offer copies of the belt to the public. They are available as the original with a three layer thick main plate and lights and also available as a single layer belt. Just email me for details.

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    35 thoughts on “Jeff Hardy’s Legacy Enigmatic Championship Belt

    1. Pingback: Jeff Hardy’s Omega Enigmatic Championship « thewrestlingalliance

    2. hardyxtreme316

      jeff hardy is the best he is comin back to tna next week 9/12/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Pingback: The Fight Nerd | The Man With All The Gold: Randy Jackson from “Top Rope Belts” on Championship Belts

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