Posted On: July 11th, 2009
Categories : TRB Remakes
Tags: championship belt, classic, dual plated, gem stones, gold plating, layers, Legend, name plate, nickel plating, reproduction, stacked plates, stitched, swarovski crystals, two-hole buckle, U.S. Title, World Title, wrestling, wwe, wwf, WWWF
- Artist :
Kevin Chappell - Leather Work :
Eddie Haupt
Our first attempt at reverse dual plating! In other words, the background is gold and the raised areas are polished nickel. This is opposite of typical dual plating. Pretty cool! There is an interesting story behind this belt. It was held in the 60’s as a US title until the champion jumped to another federation. Until the new federation could create a new title for him, they rigged the belt by adding WORLD’S CHAMPION name plate. It is known as the WORLD’S US TITLE.
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I guess that’s why its in the remake section.
Looks like someone took an old weightlifters belt, an put a few plates on it. Not bad but kinda tacky. But, then again, this belt was originally made in the 60’s and did not have TOP ROPE BELTS back then. Belts were usually made in trophy shops.
Hi Forget the past comments this belt is an exact replica of the original and I would like to know how much to have one made and the wait period for it to be made I would want it exactly like the one pitcured please let me know